Convert Product Catalogs & Price Lists
Efficiently and reliably extract text and tables from PDF product catalogs & price lists for input to your POS, eCommerce site or wherever you need the information
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Need To Get Data Out Of PDF Product Catalogs And Price Lists?
Whether you have a brick & mortar business with physical products or an eCommerce business drop shipping products from around the country, you probably receive product catalogs and price lists on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, catalogs and price lists are mostly received in printed form or as PDF documents and are rarely available as easy to handle spreadsheets. Converting PDF documents into structured data which you can use in other systems is however not a trivial task and many businesses find themselves manually re-keying product data from PDF documents into spreadsheets or databases.
Docparser helps hundreds of businesses around the globe to convert product catalogs and price lists into easy-to-handle structured data. You can efficiently and reliably extract structured text from PDF price lists for input to your POS, eCommerce site or wherever you need that information.

RefinePro helps organizations manage external data acquisition from sourcing and collecting third party data to loading them into their system. Our customers rely on RefinePro’s tool suite and processes to monitor prices from product catalogs or combine data released by governments or regulatory bodies. Unfortunately, those data are often locked in PDF files.
Our data ingestion workflow needs to be flexible to support the variety and the ever-changing format of data sources while lowering the effort to maintain our processes. Docparser is essential to balance both aspects. The Docparser API and webhooks allowed us to integrate the PDF extraction task directly in our workflow. When a file format changes, we use Docparser user interface to quickly and easily update a parser settings.
Martin –
Automate Your Workflow And Parse PDF Price List Files In No Time
Whether your price sheet is a table with rows, or a scrolling list, you can extract the relevant pricing information in a snap. Using our fixed or variable location text filters will give you the flexibility to convert PDF to text so you can easily update your pricing with a CSV. Additionally you can integrate it with cloud platforms and send the data to your POS, database, and other endpoints via webhook. Our smart filters will also extract information from areas on your PDF like (name, address, phone number, email address, etc.), with our built in keyword search.
What About Price Lists That Come From Suppliers Or Vendors In Different Formats?
Simply build a layout parser for each vendor or supplier. All it takes is uploading your PDF price list to the parsing software. Each different physical PDF layout (for example: vendor specific) can be the blueprint for the layout parser using parsing rules, to convert pdf to structured text. Then all subsequent updates can be run through the unique layout parser for each vendor. Have a business vendor that is always changing up their layout? No problem, our intelligent filters, and variable text filters will allow you to search for text on the PDF, regardless of location. Even scanned PDFs are processed – thanks to our built-in OCR software.