Purchase Order Reader - Automatically Extract Key Data From Purchase Orders

Streamline your order fulfillment process with an automated Purchase Order Reader. Eliminate manual data entry and send order details to your desired endpoint in real-time.

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Purchase Order Reader

Receiving purchase and sales orders is core for most businesses, but ...

Businesses receive Purchase Orders as email attachments, by fax or even by snail mail. To make things worse, purchase orders come in various formats and data trapped inside “paper” documents can quickly become a problem. The answer is often re-keying data by hand. Obviously, manual data entry is a tedious, error-prone and costly task and should be avoided by all means.

Traditionally, the answer to inefficient ordering processes is setting up a full fledged EDI. While being a good solution in theory, the reality looks very different in most businesses around the globe. Setting up an EDI system with each trading partner is at best expensive and time consuming – in a lot of cases however just not feasible for various reasons.


Sistema Plastics is a major manufacturer of plasticware based in New Zealand and exports to countries around the world. We receive some of our purchase orders from customers in a variety of PDF formats and these can be very long and complex to process. We used to have to manually rekey this information from PDFs into Excel for review and importing to our ERP system. Since implementing Docparser we have been able to set up rules for each customer that quickly extract the order details into Excel in a useful format. Docparser has been invaluable and has reduced processing time of some orders from many hours down to minutes. By removing rekeying we have also increased order accuracy and reduced errors. There are other extraction tools available online, but what made Docparser stand out to us was the wide range of extraction rules available to cope with even the most complicated PDF formats.

Chris – SistemaPlastics.com

Build Your Own Automated Purchase Order Reader With Docparser

Docparser helps Wholesale, eCommerce and Retail businesses around the globe to automate their order fulfillment and procurement processes. By extracting data from PDF documents, manual data entry workflows instantly become time and cost efficient. Setting up a fully automated purchase order processing system on top of existing business processes is easy and takes only a couple of minutes (see screencast) to implement. Docparser comes with a flexible and affordable pricing structure which makes it suitable and available for businesses of all sizes.

Extract data from PDF Purchase and Sales Orders

Getting the data from your Purchase & Sales Orders is only the first step. Docparser comes with various cloud integrations that help in fully automating your business process. You can upload new Purchase Orders with our app, send them in as email attachments, use our API or let Docparser fetch new documents from your cloud storage provider (Dropbox, Google Drive, Box etc). Incoming documents are processed automatically and the extracted data can be sent to any endpoint in real-time. And of course, like we said above, you can also download your parsed data in ExcelCSVJSON, or XML format.