Extract Data from Sales and Marketing Documents Effortlessly

Struggling to stay productive? Extract data from documents into your system seamlessly. Lower data entry costs, streamline document-based workflows, and drive more sales for your clients.

Sales and Marketing Agencies Have Countless Documents to Process

Marketing agencies, advertising agencies, PR firms, and all other specialists of sales and marketing are always processing various documents. Because of this, employees spend hours inputting information found in PDFs, Word docs, or image files into business systems. This manual process creates delays in workflows and leads to data entry errors. As a result, everyone involved grows stressed and the company loses money.

Sales and Marketing

Extract Key Data from Recurring Documents Effortlessly

Docparser is a cloud-based document processing and data capture solution. Businesses in the sales and marketing industry use it to extract important data from standardized documents such as:

  • Sales proposals
  • Advertising contracts
  • Invoices and billing statements
  • Campaign reports and analytics
  • Marketing plans

How Docparser Works

Docparser requires no coding knowledge to be used. To start processing documents, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Upload a sample document
  2. Build parsing rules that can identify and extract the data fields you need
  3. Download parsed data or export it to a cloud application via an integration.

Parsing rules are very easy to set up. Each rule is a set of instructions that Docparser’s algorithm follows to locate a specific data field. Creating a rule can be as simple as drawing a rectangle around a data field inside your document, or locating data based on a keyword. You can then add text or table filters to refine the parsing results until your data is completely accurate.

Streamline Your Workflows to Accomplish More

Once you replace manual data entry with automated data capture, you will:

  • Save time for high-value tasks: personalized marketing campaigns, analytics and reporting, nurturing customer relationships, etc.
  • Massively lower the cost of data entry
  • Improve data accuracy
  • Prevent the extra time and cost needed to fix incorrect data
  • Process a larger volume of documents without creating bottlenecks in your workflows
  • Serve your customers faster and better
  • In fine, grow your company

Why Users Love Docparser

Sales and marketing professionals use Docparser to automate data entry.

“For loading up PDFs that have the same layout, this is really useful. You can batch the processing and get the info you want in return. Then you can send it to Google Sheets, or download it, or send it to Zapier, etc. Lots of possibilities.”

— Tom K., marketing and advertising specialist

Thanks to Docparser’s user-friendly interface, you can build multiple parsers for different types of documents and automate all of your data entry processes. You can customize each parser as much as needed to get accurate data, without having to write code. Plus, if you ever get stuck, just reach out to our Customer Happiness team and we will help you get your parser up and running. In fact, you can even request our Parsing Assistant service to get your parser built for you from scratch.

Ready to supercharge your productivity? Sign up for a free trial and start extracting data from your documents within minutes.

Ready to get started with Docparser?

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