Docparser & GDPR Compliance

Last Updated: July 22, 2024
Docparser & GDPR Compliance

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Easily Extract Data From PDFs

Automate manual data entry tasks with Docparser

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On May 25th 2018, the most comprehensive change to privacy legislation ever undertaken – the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – takes effect.

Here at Docparser, data protection is something we take very seriously. As a cloud-based company entrusted with our customers’ data, we’ll continue to view the treatment of our users’ data as a top priority.

Continuing to protect our customers’ information is extremely important to us. Measures we have taken include:

  • Continuing to invest in our security infrastructure.
  • Giving users the ability to access their own data and delete their account.
  • Ensuring there’s a consent checkbox and that all user data is gathered only after receiving appropriate consent.
  • Anonymizing IP addresses for Google Analytics
  • For customers located in the EU: Implementing on a more robust Cookie Policy to make sure that merchants have the information they need to get effective consent for us to place the cookies necessary to provide our platform.
  • Working to ensure we have the appropriate contractual terms in place with all relevant third parties.
  • Updating our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

For more information on the specifics of GDPR, please read the regulation or this summary.

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